Social Events

On this page you’ll soon find the list of events that we will organize through the week-long tournament; we are committed to building a once-in-a-lifetime experience for the players by blending the highest possible level of competition with an environment where you can have fun every day and every night enjoying the vast series of activities that we will have running.

The player’s Village at Pradoviejo, is where most of the long list of daily social activities will take place, while for night activities they will be mostly spread around downtown Logroño.

We have planned a championship to ensure ease of interaction and engagement among players that will get here from all around the world; the compact city size and the very easy logistics will allow the participants to easily meet and access all the non-playing related activities and events that will happen during the week-long tournament.

Logroño by itself offers a huge number of areas that will allow the easy spontaneous creation of social events throughout the championship. Every night, players can look forward to gathering with friends and teammates at the evening game or party, enjoying Las Norias Outdoor Swimming Pools, or simply walk downtown and engage with all the other teams and players that will be in the same area, ensuring a vibrant and engaging social atmosphere.

List of activities in the planning (more to come):

  • Welcome party
  • Teams City Parade
  • Trading Night
  • Charangas
  • Friday Night Party
  • Saturday Night Party